Packages offered

The Ultimate Gift for any Mumma!

What Included:

- 1:1 Antenatal Class

- 1:1 37 week birth prep & Antenatal Expressing Session

- 1:1 Postnatal Lactation Consult or Post Birth Support

- 1:1 Infant Massage Session or Lactation Consult

Investment: $600

Valued at $720

Birth classes

Lactation Support

Infant massage

Sleep support


An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is the gold standard for breastfeeding support that is recognised internationally.

They can help you with:

  • Low or high supply
  • Nipple pain
  • Damaged nipples
  • Nipple thrush
  • Nipple Vaso spasm
  • Mastitis and breast infection
  • Weight gain issues
  • Reflux babies
  • Fussy babies
  • Breast refusal
  • Tongue tie assessment
  • Weaning from a nipple shield
  • Moving from top ups or expressing to direct exclusive breastfeeding
  • Weaning from breastfeeding
  • Relactation

Mel is a firm believer that birth can be an empowering experience for all women and their families. Being a Midwife, and working in the hospital setting daily, Mel is able to cover both sides of the equation.

Covering the calm and hyponsis of birth with a twist including evidenced based information you need to know. While also discussing if things were to arise how you would navigate your journey.

Absolutely! Mel doesn't want anyone out there wanting support to struggle. Payment plans are available, just send Mel a message. While Mel wish's she didn't have to charge, it's unfortunately part of running a small and she hopes you understand.

Get in touch

Seeking support to feel educated and empowered.

Let Mel help you, no matter how simple or complex. Mel looks forward to hearing from you.