About Mel

Mel is a Midwife/Nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Paediatric Massage Consultant, Infant Sleep Support and is the founder of Midwife Mel with the dream to empower women to trust their body and baby as they navigate their journey from pregnancy to parenthood, surrounded by love and support.

Working as a midwife in both the hospital and community settings Mel found a lack of support and education for mothers and their families in her community around pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and the forever fourth trimester. Women who were wanting to breastfeed weren't anymore, or women were struggling with their birth story.

Mel is here to unravel all the myths and provide a modern holistic approach. While understanding no one mothers journey is the same and is here to support you with evidenced based information. To not only educate and support you on your way to motherhood or parenthood but empower YOU to feel confident in all decisions you make.


An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is the gold standard for breastfeeding support that is recognised internationally.

They can help you with:

  • Low or high supply
  • Nipple pain
  • Damaged nipples
  • Nipple thrush
  • Nipple Vaso spasm
  • Mastitis and breast infection
  • Weight gain issues
  • Reflux babies
  • Fussy babies
  • Breast refusal
  • Tongue tie assessment
  • Weaning from a nipple shield
  • Moving from top ups or expressing to direct exclusive breastfeeding
  • Weaning from breastfeeding
  • Relactation

Both private and hospital based lactation consultants provide valuable support and guidance for breastfeeding families. However there are some differences.

1. Continuity of care: Private lactation consultants can provide ongoing support throughout your pregnancy and breastfeeding journey. They are available for antenatal consultations, follow-up consultations while ensuring that you receive consistent advice and care as you navigate any challenges or concerns.

2. Individualised attention: Private lactation consultants typically offer more personalised and focused attention since they work with clients on a one-on-one basis. They can spend more time with you and your baby, thoroughly assessing your breastfeeding challenges and providing tailored solutions.

3. Flexibility and convenience: Private lactation consultants often offer greater flexibility in scheduling appointments. They can accommodate your specific needs and availability, including evenings or weekends.

4. Extended support: Private lactation consultants may offer additional services beyond basic lactation support. This includes, sleep, returning to work, weaning, emotional support, everyday life and so much more.

There is clear evidence that women who attend antenatal breastfeeding education are twice more likely to breastfeed and continue to breastfeed at 6 months.

Attending an antenatal breastfeeding consultation offers numerous benefits for expectant parents. Here are some reasons why you should consider attending:

  1. Preparation: Antenatal breastfeeding consultations provide you with essential knowledge and preparation for breastfeeding before your baby arrives. You'll learn about breastfeeding techniques, proper positioning, latching, and establishing a good milk supply. This knowledge equips you with the skills needed to start breastfeeding confidently from the very beginning.
  2. Individualised Support: Each breastfeeding journey is unique, and attending a consultation allows you to receive personalised support tailored to your specific needs and concerns. A lactation consultant can address any questions or uncertainties you may have, ensuring you feel well-prepared and supported.
  3. Troubleshooting and Problem Solving: Breastfeeding can sometimes present challenges such as difficulties with latch, low milk supply, or nipple pain. An antenatal consultation gives you the opportunity to discuss potential challenges and receive guidance on how to overcome them. Learning about common breastfeeding issues in advance empowers you to proactively address them and seek assistance if needed.
  4. Building Confidence: Breastfeeding is a learned skill that can take time and practice. Attending an antenatal consultation provides you with the confidence to approach breastfeeding with a positive mindset. Learning about the benefits of breastfeeding, understanding its natural processes, and gaining practical knowledge gives you the assurance that you can successfully nourish and bond with your baby through breastfeeding.
  5. Partner Involvement: Antenatal breastfeeding consultations are not only beneficial for expectant mothers but also for partners. Partners can learn about their role in supporting breastfeeding, understanding how to offer assistance, and creating a supportive environment for breastfeeding to thrive.

Remember, breastfeeding is a journey that evolves over time. Attending an antenatal breastfeeding consultation helps lay a solid foundation, giving you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate the breastfeeding experience with greater ease and success.

Mel is a firm believer that birth can be an empowering experience for all women and their families. Being a Midwife, and working in the hospital setting daily, Mel is able to cover both sides of the equation.

Covering the calm and hyponsis of birth with a twist including evidenced based information you need to know. While also discussing if things were to arise how you would navigate your journey.

Absolutely! Mel doesn't want anyone out there wanting support to struggle. Payment plans are available, just send Mel a message. While Mel wish's she didn't have to charge, it's unfortunately part of running a small and she hopes you understand.

Get in touch

Seeking support to feel educated and empowered.

Let Mel help you, no matter how simple or complex. Mel looks forward to hearing from you.